Medical Stuff

You get to an age where you start having conversations about your health at dinner with your friends or family. I am in this boat now.

About eight years ago a friend noticed I had a cough, I am still dealing with this 8 years on. It is one of the reason I have only had two alcoholic drinks this year one for my mum’s 80th Birthday (YAY) and one with friends at Pride in Manchester (YAY). It feels like the NHS have been taking their sweet time in solving this issue, but I am now on medication that seems to be making a difference so hopefully it will sort it out.

This year I have also started going through the menopause, something that I never thought I would say, but I guess this is one of the downsides of having Klinefelter syndrome. I have been getting dizzy and having hot flushes in the middle of the night along with the brain fog that seems to be fairly common. The downside for me other than the symptoms is that I have been prescribed testosterone to try and balance out my hormones, it is good that it seems to be making a difference medically. Mentally it has not been so good for me because it reminds me of less pleasant times when I was pretty badly bullied and struggling with the nature of taking testosterone, I do know I am quicker to anger or get frustrated now, I miss my more passive self.

I am for the most part okay, I am just venting in this safe place. I value life and friends but sometimes I need to voice the things that worry me, as I approach a new year medical things seem to be more and more on my mind.